Now Offering Empyre Phase II Indoor and Outdoor Wood Boilers

The Vermont based internet seller of energy efficient, environmentally friendly heating and ventilation products, has announced a partnership with Pro-Fab Industries of Arborg, Manitoba, Canada to offer their Empyre line of Phase II EPA Certified clean burning Wood Boilers. The Empyre line offers multiple options for outdoor or indoor installations. Both the indoor Elite indoor series as well as the Elite XT outdoor series are available in 2 sizes, with up to a 220,000 BTU/hr load. There is also an outdoor Pro Series with a larger BTU load of up to 330,000 BTU/hr.
All Empyre Wood Boilers use a process called wood gasification to produce
super efficient combustion in the boiler’s dual burn chambers. There are five elements that work together to create this 89-90% efficient, clean burning, and environmentally safe Wood Gasification process:
The Firebox is where the wood burns from the bottom up, drying the top layer. The fire brick lining absorbs heat and maintains burn chamber temperatures to reignite quickly
on demand.
Exhaust is then forced down into the lower burn chamber.
The Lower Burn Chamber is where the exhaust burns at up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, eliminating virtually all smoke and gases.
The Flues are where the exhaust air escapes through multiple heat exchange flues running through the water jacket, transferring heat quickly and efficiently.
The Chimney exhaust has now been cooled to 350 degrees Fahrenheit by the time it exits the chimney.
For further information on all Empye Wood Boilers, visit:
Gary Johannesen
Head of Sales