Any floor plans with square footage highlighted, can be e-mailed to, faxed (802-583-2572) or mailed ahead of time will help greatly to speed up your Quote.
Inc. Attn: Sales
1. Please include the square footage of the areas
(zones) to be heated and not just the outside dimensions of the areas.
2. We will also need to know your desired type
of radiant installation method. Different methods are Slab on Grade, Thin pour
over concrete, Thin pour over wood, Staple up, Hung method, Heat Transfer Plates,
Thermal Board or another form installation. (If you need help deciding we can
help you after we have a set of your floor plans.)
3. A simple floor plan is all that is needed.
The floor plans do not need to be intricate. Simple line drawings on graph
paper work well.
4. A brief description of the number of windows and doors.
Please include wall and ceiling insulation values if known.
5. Please review
the entire e-mail, as there are links below to heat sources, hydronics and
radiant materials.
The best way is to do a heat loss you can go to the below link to help you compute one for your project...
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